St. Aidan’s Prayer Warriors pray for all listed below as part of their commitment to service and prayer. Names listed under prayer concerns appear for six weeks. Long Term Concerns, Healthcare Workers and First Responders continually appear.



Pamela Lopez and her sister Lynnette Clayton

Don and Marty McPherson, the McPherson Family and Friends

Rachell, niece and Ellie Miller, grand-niece of Melanie Hembree

Corrine Hoffstetter

Catherine Womble, granddaughter of Suzy and Jess Heald

Mibs Zelley, Laura Van Riper, and the beloved family of Father Walt Zelley

Silas Thompson, father of Tanya Cassidy

Sabrina Woods 12 year old daughter, friend of Laurie Cronley

Griffin & Olivia Basile, and Beth Wease, Mother of Olivia, son & daughter-in-law of Susan Basile

Gloria Szokoly

Keith Richards

Geraldine Thompson, mother of Tanya Cassidy

Todd Thompson, brother of Tanya Cassidy

Joe Rich

Emil Hoffman

Vicki Freeman, wife of David

Robin Sage, aunt of Connie Heefner

Norma Duncan, friend of Sandy Thomas

Michelle Lindsay, stepmother of Buddy Bledsoe


Lynn Isenberg, friend of Keith & Maureen Richards

Rosa and George Allen, friends of Dee and Curtis Mills

Farrington Family, friends of Janice Howard

Jack Lukianchuk, grandson of Jennifer and Emil Hoffman

Katie Weatherhog, niece of choir member, Pat Steffen

Reid Parkinson, husband of Debbie

Rene’ V. friend of Lynnette Clayton

Mark Quattropani, friend of John Foley

Beau Murphey, friend of Kristin Eastabrooks

Gary Pecorella, brother-in-law of Keith Richards

Carol Middleton, friend of Kristin Eastabrooks

Alicia Oberholzer, friend of Susan Basile

Sean Haven, Claudia Haven

Nicholas Haven, Claudia Haven

Jane Winn, friend of Connie Heefner

Tish and Bill Chambers, sister of Carol Phillips

Evelyn Goodendorf

Andy Jewell, friend of Tom Reynolds

Noah Pope, son of Leyna and Ryan Pope

Jeff Heal, friend of Charles

Andrew Lippman, friend of Tom Reynolds

Michael & Noreen Miracle, friend of Corrine Hoffstetter

Joy Cox, friend of Marty McPherson

Shelia Crochet, friend of Janice & Celeste

Jason Parker, Kathy Bump’s son-in-law

Linda Slocum, friend of Pat Bull

Joan Cowart

Amber Nance, niece of Phyllis Arshun

MaryDana Goldstein, friend of Gail Hurley

Scott Yapp and wife Patti, friend of Hazel

Gail Zelley, Sister-in-law of Laura Van Riper

Peggy McPherson

Debbie and George Kulick, friends of Marty McPherson

Camille Johnson

Jeff Smith, friend of Keith Richards

Candace Porche, wife of Celeste Gravois nephew

Jane Adams

Cozy and Mark Ledford

St. Aidan’s Church Family


Laura Wakefield, AGACNP, Emory Neuro ICU, daughter of Anne Monroe; Mikayla Van Riper, Ultrasound Tech N’Side, daughter-in-law of Laura Van Riper; Hannah Collins, RN & Case Worker at Children’s Healthcare, daughter of Anita Hilbun; Evelyn Tran, EMT Grady Hospital; Dr. Kasey Shapp-Reilly, OBGYN, Susan and Jay Reilly’s daughter-in-law; Anne Dickson, RN-N’Side ER, daughter of Evelyn Goodendorf; Will Hembree, EMT at Grady EMS, son of Wade and Melanie; Dr. Heidi Moore; Dr. Greg Melnikoff; Emma Campbell, RN at Northside-Gwinnett, Trauma Unit, and Grace Campbell, RN NICU at Children’s Hosp., Granddaughters of Bonnie Moore; Caroline Eastabrooks Cochran, RN; Dr. Richard Shack; Sam Biondi Jakubiszak, OT, daughter of Cathy & Daryl Biondi.