Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness.
— The Hymnal 1982, Hymn 711

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!


Here are two highlights from our St. Aidan’s 2023 Spring Concert


Charles Higgs, Director of Music Ministries and Organist

Charles Higgs, Director of Music Ministries and Organist

Music at St. Aidan’s

Music is an active and growing ministry at St. Aidan’s.  The primary mission of the Music Ministry is to provide the congregation with well-prepared, inclusive and dynamic anthems, hymns, service music, as well as opportunities for performance and education, which fosters spiritual growth and participation within the walls of St. Aidan’s and beyond. Repertoire ranges from the Medieval period through contemporary Christian and Gospel music. The foundation of this ministry stems from our Chorister’s Prayer: “Grant that what we sing with our lips, we may believe in our hearts; and what we believe in our hearts, we may show forth in our lives, through Jesus Christ our Lord.”


Adult Choir


Wednesday Rehearsal: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in the church.

The 11:00 am choir meets Sunday mornings at 10:15 am to assist the congregation in the singing of hymns, Anglican chant, service music, and offertory anthems.

Several times throughout the year the choirs combine for major feast days, such as Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, and special services including Advent Lessons & Carols.

Summer Choir begins the first Sunday of June. Rehearsal call time is 10:15 am for the 11:00 am service.

For more information, please contact Charles Higgs, Director of Music Ministries at or 404-563-9270.

Folk Ensemble

The St. Aidan’s Folk Ensemble is a Music Ministry which enhances spirituality via worship and praise music, presented at various church services and other functions during the year. Our goal is to inspire and lead others to participate in musical worship, not to perform or entertain. We have incorporated such instruments in our renditions as guitar, piano, flute, clarinet, violin, and hammered dulcimer, but are always open to expanding with additional musicians and/or other instruments. We love making a joyful noise unto the Lord, and hope to inspire others to walk more closely with Christ, whether playing and/or singing, because “Those who sing pray twice!”

For more information, please contact Charles Higgs, Director of Music Ministries at or 404-563-9270 or Keith Richards at




The Choristers of St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church offers musical excellence, self-discipline, and social development to all children from 2nd to 6th grade. The goal of the chorister program is to uplift the spiritual life of our communities through high quality choral music for children. 

The Choristers meet on Sunday mornings from 9:45AM-10:30 AM in the Parish Hall.

Every rehearsal will begin with a vocal warm-up, followed by learning and practicing upcoming songs. After a brief recess, choristers will then receive music theory instruction, a graduated curriculum where they will learn music fundamentals and how to read music at sight. Sunday Services: Choristers will sing quarterly Sunday a.m. services with occasional special events on selected Sunday afternoons. This is a vital part of the experience, giving the singers a deep satisfaction and rewarding experience.

 For more information, please contact Glenda Gray, Director of Choristers, at or Charles Higgs, Director of Music Ministries, at 


Dr. Norma Raybon

Artist in Residence

Norma Raybon earned the Doctor of Musical Arts in Choral Conducting from the University of Iowa.  She was an Associate Professor of Music at Spelman College and Director of the Spelman College Glee Club in Atlanta, Georgia from 1991 to 1999.  Prior to this appointment, she served on the faculties at the University of South Florida, and the State University of New York.  Raybon has sung with the Chicago, St. Louis and Atlanta Symphony Choruses. She frequently conducts All-State Festivals, clinics and workshops for conductors and music educators around the country and has served as the president of the Georgia American Choral Director’s Association.  Norma Raybon was Director of Music at Mountain Park United Methodist Church in Stone Mountain, GA for four years, and then served as Interim Director of Music at the First Presbyterian Church, Marietta.  In spring, 2006, the Norma Raybon Chorale had a successful concert tour to Austria.  Dr. Raybon was director of the Music Ministry at First Congregational Church in Atlanta for fifteen years. For the past few years Raybon served as director of the St. Paul’s Choir, Women’s Choir and Handbell Choir at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta.  Since more churches have  opened for in person attendance, Raybon has served as Artist in Residence at Virginia Highlands Church and presently is working with the choir at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church in Milton, GA with Director of Music, Charles Higgs.

Friends of Music

Friends of Music make it possible by underwriting and sustaining excellence in music at St. Aidan’s by generous donations from members and friends of the parish. You are invited to consider supporting our Friends of Music above and beyond your pledge. Membership of Friends of Music is open to all, as well as receiving acknowledgment in the programs for events. If you’re interested in making a contribution, please contact with Charles Higgs, Director of Music Ministries at or 404-563-9270. Thank you for your generosity and support.